Foxes Have Dens & Birds Have Nests
It's a good thing that God is so stinkin' persistent, because I am so stinkin' stubborn. There are so many small lessons God has been trying to teach me over the last few months and I can tell you that they don't feel small. They feel humungous. Because they involve changing how I think. Let's face it, how we think is the root of all our issues. We have a quote that goes around the substance abuse counseling realm that goes like this... “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”― Lao Tzu How true is that! And so, these small perspective changes are hard and they are big. So what exactly has been God telling me? A few weeks ago I was driving down the road, deep in thoughts of worry, like I do so many days out of the week and God just put these questions to me. He said, "Libby...